Maximilian V. Harl
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA
Hello! I am Max. Welcome to my website.
I am a Research Fellow with Sam Gershman and Arthur Prat-Carrabin in the Computational Cognitive Neuroscience Lab at Harvard University and a last year master’s student at ETH Zurich where I currently write my thesis in the lab of Christian Ruff at the Zurich Center for Neuroeconomics.
At the moment, I am finishing my M.Sc. in Neuroscience from ETH Zurich / University of Zurich, Switzerland and my B.Sc. in Bioinformatics from TU Munich / LMU, Germany. Additionally, I hold a M.Sc. and B.Sc. in (International) Information Systems from University of Erlangen, Germany.
I am interested in the cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying perception, representation, inference, decision-making, and learning. For my future research I want to combine theory and computational modelling to contribute at the intersection of neuroscience, computer science, and economics/finance. My main contributions so far are in graph-based machine learning systems, process science, and biostatistics. You can find my publications here
Next to my academic work, I am extremely intersted in finance, especially in private markets. Therefore, I loved to spend much of last year interning in investment banking at Goldman Sachs, venture capital at Lakestar, and asset management at act to impact. Additionally, I have worked as a student partner at Wingman Campus Fund. You can find a to-level CV here.
I am currently located in Cambridge, MA. I always love to have stimulating discussions and meet new people in research and industry. Feel free to reach out!