Maximilian V. Harl


Harvard University

Cambridge, MA

Hello! I am Max. Welcome to my website.

I am a Research Fellow with Sam Gershman and Arthur Prat-Carrabin in the Computational Cognitive Neuroscience Lab at Harvard University and a last year master’s student at ETH Zurich where I currently write my thesis in the lab of Christian Ruff at the Zurich Center for Neuroeconomics.

At the moment, I am finishing my M.Sc. in Neuroscience from ETH Zurich / University of Zurich, Switzerland and my B.Sc. in Bioinformatics from TU Munich / LMU, Germany. Additionally, I hold a M.Sc. and B.Sc. in (International) Information Systems from University of Erlangen, Germany.

I am interested in the cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying perception, representation, inference, decision-making, and learning. For my future research I want to combine theory and computational modelling to contribute at the intersection of neuroscience, computer science, and economics/finance. My main contributions so far are in graph-based machine learning systems, process science, and biostatistics. You can find my publications here

Next to my academic work, I am extremely intersted in finance, especially in private markets. Therefore, I loved to spend much of last year interning in investment banking at Goldman Sachs, venture capital at Lakestar, and asset management at act to impact. Additionally, I have worked as a student partner at Wingman Campus Fund. You can find a to-level CV here.

I am currently located in Cambridge, MA. I always love to have stimulating discussions and meet new people in research and industry. Feel free to reach out!

selected publications

  1. Towards automated business process redesign in runtime using generative machine learning
    Maximilian Victor Harl, Sandra Zilker, and Sven Weinzierl
  2. Network medicine-based epistasis detection in complex diseases: ready for quantum computing
    Markus Hoffmann*, Julian M Poschenrieder*, Massimiliano Incudini*, and 8 more authors
    Medrxiv, 2023